BUILD file support
BUILD file / Starlark language support is bundled with the bazel plugin.
- Syntax highlighting of BUILD files and ‘.bzl’ Starlark extensions.
- IDE navigation support:
- Find usages of a build target.
- Find usages of functions defined in Starlark extensions.
- Navigate to a referenced target, including those outside your project.
- Navigate to external files referenced by BUILD labels (e.g. java classes, other resources).
- Relevant BUILD labels are included when finding usages of non-BUILD files and directories.
- Links to external documentation for built-in symbols.
- Refactoring support:
- Rename support for BUILD targets, function parameters, local variables, etc.
- BUILD references are updated when renaming/moving directories, files, java classes.
- Code completion for:
- Labels (targets, files, package paths, qualified class names, etc.).
- Bazel rule names, attributes, and other built-in symbols.
- Symbols in scope (local variables, symbols imported via a ‘load’ statement, function parameters, etc.).
- Glob resolution:
- Expand globs via the ‘Goto reference’ action, showing the files referenced by a glob.
- Glob references included in the ‘find usages’ action.
- Other IDE features:
- Error and warning annotations, with quick-fix suggestions.
- File structure view.
- Customizable color scheme.
- Buildifier file formatting integration.